Flood relief efforts in South India

Recent flooding in the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andhra Pradesh which is still ongoing has led to deaths 0f 400 people and displacement of 18 lakh people from their homes until now. It has caused damage to 10,000 building in the area and a monetary damage of more than 20,000 crore which is the most damage floodwaters have caused anywhere in the world in 2015.

Seeing the scale of the tragedy and the massive damage caused by the floods, Shri J P Mathur Charitable Trust & NICE Society carried out flood relief effort and donations. Our appeal to people to join hands and donate/volunteer was successful in mobilizing large numbers of our volunteers. More than 2000 blankets were mobilized in a very short time by the Trust to be given to the affected people in the area. We ensured that our relief material reached in a timely manner to those in need. We hope to provide more relief materials like food, medicines and tents to the people in Chennai and the surrounding areas.

The response of the villagers to a public toilet in their village has been very positive and has led to better awareness of sanitation and hygiene among the villagers. We hope to construct many more such toilets as part of our Swatch Bharat Mission.